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Reflexiones de Moises; Blog One

By October 31, 2013March 27th, 2023No Comments

DSC_0006Reflexiones de Moises; Blog One

In the beginning….(Genesis 1:1)
the Agua Viva Team boarded a plane in Kansas City International Airport for takeoff at 6:35 am headed to Ecuador. That means we got up at 3:00 am, drank a cup of coffee and loaded up the car, drove one hour to the airport arriving at 4:45 AM. This was two hours before our departure time. We flew to Dallas Fort Worth, then to Miami, and then to Quito, arriving in Quito about 6:30 pm. We suffered through customs for one hour dragging 23 fifty pound suitcases, and a 1-1/2 hour bus ride to Hotel Sebastian, arriving pretty late in the evening. The next morning we were up again early, 4 hour drive to Riobamba, 2 hour meeting with the Education Team, and another two hour drive to Pallatanga for team two.

Needless to say… we have a pretty grueling first two days. We were all exhausted and hungry and wondering if we were going to keel over from the 11,000 foot altitude. Our trips are not for the faint of heart… especially going to Ecuador.


 So, how do you survive a trip like this? You thrive on encouragement. It is hard to get discouraged when you are amongst smiling faces, Christian friends, and convicted hearts. Honestly, it seemed like the tougher it got, the more fun it was. It is fun to struggle together. I guess you could say it is like a football game or a basketball game; everyone striving for the prize.

 And the real prize was had by all; friendships, pure water, Living Water, miracles, and great success.
Diego Orozco (Beto) was our bus driver for Team 1. He never stopped smiling and he was just an excellent driver. We were so blessed to have him drive for us again. You know, our number one risk is car accident. So, we can’t cut any corners there. And, Beto got us there every time. Our Team 2 bus driver was Byron. He was also an excellent bus driver and on the way home we had the honor and privilege to meet his family. Byron’s son gave a sweet letter thanking us all (in English) for our hard work in Ecuador.

It is pretty hard to get down when you are amongst great company like this.

  Agua Viva.Byron Gratitude  













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